
Recap – Who are you?

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I learnt so much last week.

I’m at my happiest when I’m learning new things.

If I had more hours in the day I’d probably spend 24 hours learning something new.

I’ve been working on education projects for a couple of years now and someone referred to me as an educationist recently.

It struck me just how much we like to attach labels to everything; I think it makes it easier for us to compartmentalise.

If someone fits in an easily defined box, it makes us feel comfortable and in control.

The harsh reality of life is that people don’t  fit into easily defined compartments. You are more than a banker, a computer guru, an engineer – you are so much more.

You are a mother, father, sister, friend, colleague, student, teacher and so on.

And at different times you are happy, sad, anxious, angry – sometimes, all at once.

How can one label define all that you are, all that you do and the essence of you?

I think we all have so many facets that to box a person into one is to limit their potential.

We can all wear many different hats and have many labels.

I have no formal “education sector” qualifications but I’m certainly well informed about the issues in the education sector.

I’ve been researching and talking to professionals in the industry for a few years. I love to teach and I’m certainly passionate about changing the status quo in our education sector.

Am I an educationist? You tell me..